Today we will talk about a new subject: Biomedical Engineering. Sounds complex? Let us simplify it for you

What is Biomedical Engineering?
Biomedical Engineering or Biomedical Technology is the application of technology and engineering to living organisms. It is a broad term that combines facets of engineering and technology to solve biological or medical problems. It is related to issues involving humans like designing and the use of medical equipment used to diagnose and treat various diseases.
A program in Biomedical Engineering comprises the study of tissue engineering, molecular or systems-level biology/physiology. Not only that, students also get to study biomedical electronics, biomechanics, cellular engineering, genetic engineering, bio-instrumentation, and medical imaging, etc. The coursework is rigorous hence students wishing to pursue the same should possess sufficient quantitative and analytical skills.
Biomedical Technology, the confluence of Medicine and Technology, is the future. Hence the demand for biomedical engineers is unabated.
Biomedical Engineers are expected to come with new and innovative methods of diagnosing and curing patients. Hence as long as humans are there, the surge in the demand for biomedical engineers will only rise.
A Biomedical Engineer will typically do the following:
Design products like artificial organs, artificial devices that replace actual body parts, and machines for diagnosing medical problems.
Install, adjust, maintain, repair, or provide technical support for biomedical equipment.
Evaluate the safety, efficiency, and effectiveness of biomedical equipment. They are also required to train personnel on how to use the equipment.
Work with scientists and researchers to research the engineering aspects of the biological system of humans and animals. They are also required to stay abreast of the new innovations and technologies in the field of Biomedical Engineering.
TOP COLLEGES IN INDIA (in no particular order)
IIT Delhi (172)
IIT Bombay (179)
IIT Roorkee (431-440)
IT-BHU, Varanasi (801-1000)
MIT, Manipal (701-750)
TOP COLLEGES ABROAD (in no particular order)
John Hopkins University (17)
Georgia Institute of Technology (70)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1)
Stanford University (2)
University of California-San Diego (38)
Want to know more about Biomedical Engineering or want to explore new career options? Book a session with our counselors at Career Spark.
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