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All You Need To Know About Ethical Hacking

While watching the ‘Mission Impossible’ series a few of us wanted to be like Simon Pegg’s Benji. He was the master hacker who could open any

vaults or doors at will with a few clicks of his mouse. This brings me to the question: what exactly is hacking? 

Hacking is the process of finding vulnerabilities in a system and using these found vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access into the system to perform malicious activities ranging from deleting system files to stealing sensitive information. It is illegal and can lead to extreme consequences if you are caught in the act. Many people have been sentenced to years of imprisonment while some have even faced death sentences due of hacking.

That being said not every form of hacking is dangerous. If done with permission, hacking is legal. Companies often hire computer experts to hack into their system and find out various vulnerabilities. This basically is Ethical Hacking. Let do a deep dive on the topic.

What is Ethical Hacking?\u003c/strong\u003e

In the dawn of international conflicts, terrorist organizations funding cybercriminals to breach security systems, either to compromise national security features or to extort huge amounts by injecting malware and denying access. This results in the rise of cybercrime.

Organizations face the challenge of updating hack-preventing tactics, installing several technologies to protect the system before falling victim to malicious hacker. This is where an ethical hacker comes in. Government agencies and business organizations today are in constant need of ethical hackers to combat the growing threat to IT security.

Ethical hackers are hired to hack into the system in order to find the vulnerabilities plaguing the IT system of the organization and deploy advanced security measures to protect it from malicious hackers. 

Types of Hackers

Basically there are three types of hackers, they being:

  • White Hat Hackers:  Ethical hackers or White Hat hackers do not intend to harm the system or organization but they do so, officially, to penetrate and locate the vulnerabilities, providing solutions to fix them and ensure safety.

  • Black Hat Hackers: Contrary to an ethical hacker, black hat hackers or non-ethical hackers perform hacking to fulfill their selfish intentions in order to collect monetary benefits. They steal sensitive corporate data, violating privacy, damaging the system etc.

  • Grey Hat Hacker: They are a blend of both black hat and white hat hackers. They mostly hack for fun and exploit a security weakness in a computer system or network without the owner’s permission or knowledge. Their intent is to bring the weakness to the attention of the owners & earning some bug bounty.

Courses to Study

Here are some of the courses that will take you towards a high-flying career in ethical hacking: 

  • B.Tech. Cyber Security and Forensic

  • B.Sc. in Networking and Security

  • B.Tech. IT & Cyber Security

  • M.Tech. CSE (Information Security)

  • M.Tech. Computer Science and Information Security

  • M.Tech. Information Security

  • M.Tech. Cyber Laws and Information Security

  • CEH (Certified Ethical Hacker) course

  • SSCP course

  • CISSP course

  • CISA course

  • CISM course

  • OSCP course

Want to know more about Ethical Hacking or want to explore new career options? Book a session with our counsellors at Career Spark.

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